Healthy Eating
Made Simple

Healthy eating is different for different people.
It is definitely not a one size fits all set of rules that we can all follow.
Healthy eating is individual to you.
11% of people do not prioritise their health
14% of people eat what they want when they want
42% of people do not prioritise their furture health
According to a YouGov survey January 2025
Here is an simple way for you to remember a positive approach to healthy eating.
ABCDE of... Awareness, Blood-Work, Conditions, Diet, Eqilibrium - Adapted from the British Dietetic Association (BDA) Model and Process and British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) Constructing a Personalised Diet.
A B C D E of...
Healthy Eating
Awareness, Blood-Work, Conditions, Diet, Equilibrium
- remember it with one hand!

Awareness (Thumb)
Awareness including Assessment and Anthropometry
Awareness and Assessment
• The first step is awareness and just getting to know your own body and assessment of your health needs.
Ask yourself:
“What does my overall health tell me about my eating habits and weight?
• Consider your anthropometry: your weight and height.
• Different ways to monitor weight are individual - Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio, how well clothes or jewellery are fitting.
Ask yourself:
"Am I gaining or losing weight intentionally or unexpectedly?
Could my health conditions be affected?”
Reflect on the bigger picture:
Ask yourself:
“What do I hope to achieve by eating healthy?"
"How can I use this awareness to take positive steps?”

Blood-Work (Index Finger)
• Think about what your blood-work might reveal.
• Do you know your levels of key nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B12, folate, or even your thyroid function?
• Consult your GP to understand what blood-work might mean for you.
• Consider diet changes to address deficiencies or excesses if appropriate.
Ask yourself:
“If my vitamin D levels are low, can I add more vitamin D foods or do I need a vitamin D supplement?”
• Always consult your GP about blood-work related to your health conditions. If you experience sudden changes or any red flag symptoms, contact your GP immediately.

Health Considerations (Middle Finger)
Health Considerations
• This is where you consider your health, to really individualise your diet to ensure which ways of healthy eating are right for you: Ask yourself:
“What does healthy eating mean for me based on my personal health and health conditions?”
Here are some example questions to ask yourself-
Does my health mean I might need to...?
• reduce sodium and salty highly processed foods?
• balance sugar and refined carbohydrate foods?
• increase or avoid certain fibre from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains?
• increase foods or nutrients to help my energy?
• strictly avoid a certain food or nutrient? (eg. gluten, histamine)
• be a certain weight to manage my health better?
• increase fluid and hydration?
• If you experience sudden changes in symptoms or any red flag symptoms, contact your GP immediately.

Diet (Ring Finger)
Diet including Daily Energy, Diversity, Decisive & Mindful Eating
Daily Energy
• Everyone has individual estimated nutritional requirements that are calculated by considering weight, calories per kg of body weight either for a healthy person or specific for your health condition.
• There are recommended daily energy intakes for the average person, which differ by age and gender. However, these are average intakes. In reality individual requirements might be different to average energy intakes.
• Calorie counting can be difficult and does not take into account that some healthy foods can be almost as calorie dense as some highly or ultra processed foods. Calorie counting also does not take into account how we feel about food and our behaviours linked to eating.
• Considering your health and health conditions - its really important to think about whether your diet has the right diversity and balance of macronutrients – carbohydrates, protein, fats (balance good and less good fats, omega fats), micronutrients – vitamins and minerals, and the right amount of fluid.
Ask yourself:
“Can I make food swaps to help me better manage my health and health conditions?”
"Do I need to increase or decrease certain nutrients to help support my health and health conditions?”
"How can I make cooking a regular activity that adds both healthy food to my diet and phytscial activity and exercise to my day?"
• Decisive & Mindful Eating - Decisive eating involves making intentional decisions about what, when, and how much to eat, and mindful eating focuses on being present and aware during the eating experience. Together they encourage thoughtful choices and deeper connection to your food.
Ask yourself:
"Am I making intentional decisions about my food choices and then being mindful about those food choices as I eat?"
"Can I practice mindful eating by slowing down, listening to hunger cues, and savouring my food?"
• Focus on creating a balanced diet that meets your individual needs, with a variety of whole foods - foods that you can recognise - and plenty of colours, while embracing cooking as an activty that includes exercise and daily movement that compliments your lifestyle.

Equilibrium (Little Finger)
Equilibrium including Elimination, Environment, Exercise and Sleep.
• Reflecting on maintaining equilibrium, as balance is essential for working in harmony with your diet.
• Consider how your body processes food—what are your bowel movements like?
Ask yourself:
"Are my bowel movements regular?"
"What is the appearance and consistency of my bowel movements?"
"Have I noticed any patterns with certain foods and how they affect my bowel movements?"
• Do you ever notice how your environment affects your eating choices?
• Think about your surroundings:
Ask youself;
“Can I make small changes, like keeping foods that would support my health and health conditions in an easy to access place?”
“Are there situations where the people around me influence what or how I eat?"
"How could gently shape moments of distraction to work better for me?”
Exercise and sleep
• Does your daily routine include time for exercise, activity and restful sleep? Consider if there is support you need to improve the balance between sleep and exercise.
Ask yourself:
"Do I feel my habits support my current health and the activity levels right for me?"
"Am I moving in a way that feels good?"
"Am I sleeping enough to feel refreshed and ready for the day?"
"Is my sleep environment supportive of rest?"

Further Support
Further Support
• For medical advice, consult your GP or a Registered Dietiian.
See BDA Toolkit Small Steps to a Healthier You
• For complimentary therapy support with nutrition and lifestyle reach out to a Registered Nutritional Therapist – like me!
See BANT Wellbeing Guidelines
• Did you know that Your GP can refer you to a Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) registered complementary therapist?
The Conplementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) say:
Nutritional therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing. Practitioners consider each individual to be unique and recommend personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes rather than a 'one size fits all' approach.
Practitioners never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice and always refer any client with 'red flag' signs or symptoms to their medical professional. They frequently work alongside medical professionals and will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client's care to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided.
For further information see CNHC website: